

Ms. Sulakshana Nandi
State Convenor
Ms. Sulakshana Nandi has been involved with the Public Health Resource Network (PHRN) since its conception. She is the State Convenor for PHRN Chhattisgarh, where she has been working for the last six and a half years. She has been actively associated with several leading campaigns in the state like Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (as State Convenor), Right to Food Campaign etc. especially in facilitation, training and technical (including legal) support to tribal organizations on issues of the right to health and food. She holds a Master of Arts in Social Work from Jamia Millia Islamia. She has extensively worked in Rajasthan and MP in areas of women’s rights and SHG based women’s organizations etc. Some of her publications include Mitanin’s struggles to reform PDS and to fight state sponsored ‘Deforestation’ and Addressing Women’s Concerns in NRHM. etc.
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